Sunday, June 16, 2013

Rail Sitter Flower Boxes

Answer a question for me. Can a girl have too many flowers? Come on, you know the answer is a big NO! We like frilly pretty things. And flowers top that list. Now, I am not talking about fake flowers. I like those too, but..... I'm talking about real living flowers. I think it might have something to do with visiting my aunt's flower shop when I was a young girl. I remember walking through the door of Aunt Peggy's shop and hearing the bell on the door and breathing in the sweet smell of fresh flowers.And sitting in the freezer with all the different kinds of fresh flowers sitting in buckets of water. Ok, enough about my little memories. And on to the project.

Every spring as you start cleaning up your yard and day dream of what flowers you are going to plant you probably imagine planting them in the ground. Right?  Well, that is a great idea. Unless you have a big stinking fear of slithery things called snakes! And then the thought of being down on the ground digging around where one might just come and surprise you makes you sick to your tummy. Well, that is why I decided to built my rail sitter flower boxes.

Warning: our deck needs to be stained badly! But we can't decide on a color.

Rail Sitter Flower Boxes

So this is what I came up with. I wanted it to look like library card catalog drawers. They took me a few tries to get the design just right. I added a metal plate to the front. I was going to add a knob or a drawer pull but it looked strange.

This is the first one that I built. I liked it so I decided to built 4 more. All different colors. Funny thing how when you are free handing something the second one you makes turns out different the then first.

Here are the other ones that I made, the cream one isn't in the picture. It is hard to tell but these boxes are more square and the first one I made was more rectangle.

So mission complete. Flowers on the rail of my deck. High up above the creepy crawly things. As soon as I can get some photos I will post what happens when you don't reinforce these boxes with screws.

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